Уроки по иностранному языку. Методическая разработка урока английского языка «Успешные люди Разработанные уроки по английскому языку

Цели урока:

Систематизация знаний по теме «Спорт»;

Тренировка и расширение словарного запаса;

Совершенствование умений и навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи.

- развитие мышления, умения дать оценку, высказать своё мнение на английском языке;
- развитие фантазии, воображения;
- расширение кругозора учащихся.

- развитие у учащихся любви к спорту;

Повышение информированности об Универсиаде 2013;

Формирование положительного отношения к Универсиаде 2013 года в г. Казани;

Воспитывать чувство гордости за столицу Татарстан;

Поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Учебное оборудование урока:
- учебник, учебное пособие Welcome to Tatarstan (chapter-14), мультимедийный проектор, компьютер (электронное сопровождение урока в виде презентаций).

Целевая аудитория: учащиеся 7 класса

Форма проведения урока: коллективная, индивидуальная.

Межпредметные связи: история, физическая культура.

Критерии и методы диагностики эффективности занятия: ответы на вопросы (устно), выполнение упражнений, проверочная работа

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (2 минуты)

(Сообщение темы, целей урока) Слайды №1,2

Good morning, boys and girls. Today we continue our work at the theme “Sports”. We shall revise the material of our previous lessons and speak about sports in Tatarstan. We shall find out what sports you like or maybe dislike.

Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “A sound mind is in a sound body.” Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true.

At the same time a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Some of them realize that sport is useful but prefer watching sport on TV to going in for it themselves.

So, at the lesson we shall speak about sport activities.

2. Фонетическая зарядка. (2 минуты)

Учитель предлагает ученикам назвать слова с определенными звуками по теме «Спорт».

Now we’ll repeat words and make up expressions. Слайды

Match the words in English and in Russian. Слайды

  • Group these activities into indoor and outdoor sports. Слайды

3. Речевая зарядка (3 минуты) Слайд

Answer the questions.

  1. What kinds of sports are popular in Tatarstan?
  2. Are you against or for sports?
  3. Do you prefer going in for sports or watching it on TV?
  4. Is sport a part of our everyday life?
  5. Is sport important to you?
  6. What is your favorite kind of sport?
  7. Who is the best sportsman in your class?

4. Работа с лексическим материалом (Слайды)
1) People who go in for different sports have different names. (1 минута )

How do we call people who:

    • play football(footballer), cricket(batsman), tennis(tennis player);
    • go swimming(swimmer), jumping(jumper), running(runner), windsurfing(surfer),
    • ride a bike(cyclist)?

2)Complete the chart by matching each sport with the place and equipment which go with it. (3 минуты) Слайды

boots costume pool ring slope skis boat racket stadium rink oar rod court ball gloves river alley pitch hoop




Oar rod

3)Guess what kind of sports it is. Translate the sentences into Russian. (3 минуты) Слайды

    • It is a game for two or four players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (lawn tennis)
    • It is a summer game played on a grass field by two teams with a ball, bats and wickets. (cricket)
    • It is a game played by two or four persons with a small hard ball which is struck with clubs into holes. (golf)
    • It is a way of traveling or going on foot. (walking)
    • It is a team game played with oval ball. (rugby, football)
    • It is a game played on a table using round wood bats and a small plastic ball. (table tennis)

5. Развитие навыков аудирования (Develop your Listening Skills)

Прослушивание и повторение лексики (см. аудио - приложение «Sports»)

- Listen to the story about Paul and the sports that he does. (Слайд)

Write the correct name of the day under each bag.

Paul loves sports. He does some sport every day. After school on Mondays, he goes running with some friends for about half an hour. Then he goes swimming before he goes home for dinner. He also plays in two school teams. On Wednesdays he plays football at school and on Friday evening he plays in the table tennis team. On Saturday and Sunday mornings he goes swimming again. He also cycles to school every day except Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, he does his favorite sport - sleeping!

Музыкальная пауза (см. приложение «Текст песни»)

Teacher: Sing a song about sport. (Хоровое исполнение песни «Sports for Everybody»)

6. Проверка домашнего задания. (7 минут)

Совершенствование навыков устной монологической речи.

Teacher: And now we speak about sport in Russia and Tatarstan.

Айгуль - Russian children start to go in for sports since their early childhood. Like children in other countries we are fond of running, jumping, skipping, and playing snowballs. When we grew up our sport activities became more serious. Now we attend sport clubs or go to sport centers if we are interested in staying healthy.

Таня - In my opinion many Russian people are fond of sports. Sport plays an important role in our lives. We know many Russian athletes who win in European and world championships. Our figure skaters are the best. They take a lot of cups and medals in different competitions. Who doesn’t know Russian skiers! We are proud of them!

Раиль -So, sport helps us to stay in good shape, to build character. It teaches us to win and to lose. Besides, it is a good way to meet different people and make new friends.

Дамира - One of the important areas of life in the city belongs to sports. Ice hockey Club "Ak Bars", soccer "Rubin", basketball club "Unix", volley ball club "Dinamo-TTG" and others commendably represent Kazan at the championships of Russia, Europe and the world. In recent years the following major sports facilities have been built in Kazan: Basket-hall, Ice Sports Palace "Tatneft Arena ", horse race track, Russian ice hockey stadium. The Central Stadium has been renovated. Water Sports Palace construction will be completed shortly. The world-class sports events are held in the city.

7. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

What do you know about the Summer Universiade game 2013? (Тема раскрыта 15 слайдами -cм. « Проектная работа «Универсиада-2013»)

8. Развитие навыков монолога.

Teacher: Who wants to tell us about your favorite kind of sports?

Сергей -- I like swimming. I started to learn when I was about seven years old. I think that swimming is something like music or language. That is why very good to start as early as possible if you want to be good at it. I visit swimming pool every week. Swimming helps me to stay in good shape.

Оксана -- In my opinion the best sport is tennis. In fact I play table tennis. My father has taught me this game. And now I play it every day. I’m so glad that tennis is so popular in the lyceum. During the breaks or after the lessons there are many students waiting their turn to play tennis. It is good for my health and body. Tennis also helps me to relax after my working day.

Антон -- I go in for jogging. Every morning I run about a kilometer. And after it I am not tired at all. Jogging keeps me fit the rest of the day. All I need for these exercises are shorts, a vest and trackers. I run all year round in any weather.

Алина- As for me I do not like sports. It takes a lot of energy and time. As a result of going in for sports, people can have broken legs and arms. It makes you unhappy when you lose. So I prefer to watch sport competitions than participate in them.

9. Quiz (L. Ivanova “Welcome to Tatarstan”, Student’s book -ex.3, p.78) Cлайд

10. Подведение итогов урока. Слайды

Оценки (с комментариями)

a tortoise-“2” a car -“4”

a horse-“3” a plane-“5”

Дом. задание (подготовиться к проектной работе по теме “Health is Above Wealth”).

Teacher: Boys and girls, we did a lot at the lesson. You worked hard so you know a lot of the most popular kinds of sports in Tatarstan as well as about sports in the school. I think, you understand that sport is very important for our life, for our health and for our cheerful mood. Thank you for being so active. Thank you for the lesson.

Разработка открытого урока

по английскому языку

для 7 класса

Books in our life

Задачи урока :

Обучающие – развивать у учащихся речевые умения аудирования и говорения (в монологической и диалогической форме); познакомить с новой лексикой по теме; обучать умению читать с полным пониманием.

Воспитательные – воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка; формировать культуру чтения, интерес и любовь учащихся к книгам.

Развивающие – развивать воображение, навыки письма, логическое мышление.

Оборудование: проектор, экран, карточки с заданиями, ноутбук

Ход урока:

    Приветствие. Организационный момент.

    Речевая зарядка

Describe an orange.

Say the first letters of the alphabet backwards.

Name the colors of the rainbow.

Describe the difference between an elephant and a cat.

Name mass media you know. What are the advantages/disadvantages of …?

Can we say that books are media, too?

III. Сообщение темы . Постановка задач урока

T: Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Well , try to guess what it is !

    Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the screen and read the rhyme and guess.

It has no mouth but speaks.

It is not a tree but it has leaves.

It is not alive but it can be a good friend

Right ! It is a book

(Учащиеся повторяют за учителем, индивидуально)

    Работа с лексикой.

T: A wise man said, “Life without books is as tree without leaves”. How can we understand this quotation?

I’m sure that if we don’t have books in our life, it will be as boring and gloomy as trees in autumn.

Now let us grow our “book tree” and put on leaves on it. (На листья, которые прикрепляются к дереву, написаны слова, обозначающие литературные жанры)

a detective story – детектив;

a historical story (novel) - исторический роман;

an adventure story – приключение;

a fairy tale – сказка;

science fiction – научнаяфантастика;

a horror story – ужастик;

a biography (an autobiography) – (авто) биография;

poetry – поэзия;

a myth – миф;

an encyclopedia – энциклопедия;

a dictionary - словарь

(Учащиеся отрабатывают лексику, произносят за учителем, индивидуально)

What kind of stories do you enjoy most?

P.: I prefer reading …

VI. Монологическое высказывание учащихся

What book would you recommend us to read?

I would recommend the book ...

Was written by ...

It is ...

It is about ...

The story is set ...

The main characters in the book are …

I particularly love reading it because …

VII .Аудирование текстов с целью закрепления лексики

T: Now let’s have a guessing game. Listen to the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is, and why you think so. (Учащиеся слушают начало текстов и определяют, к какому жанру он принадлежит)

1. It was a dark and foggy night. We drove and drove. At midnight, just as we thought we were lost, we saw a light behind some trees. As we got nearer, we could see a house. It looked deserted, abandoned. We knocked on the heavy, wooden door. It opened slowly. A tall man dressed entirely in black stood there. "Good evening", he said in a slow, deep voice. "I"ve been expecting you".

2. We were traveling through deep space at the speed of light. Sud­denly, the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view. A bright star with twenty or more planets. One of these would be our new home, five light years from our own galaxy.

3. The man lay on the ground next to a white van. There was no doubt. He was dead. I quickly looked in the pockets of his jacket - some money; a handkerchief and a theatre ticket with a Chicago phone number written on it. Three murders in three weeks and the victims all killed in the same way.

5. Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful prin­cess. She was an only child and her father and mother, the king and queen, loved her very much. One day, an old woman came to the castle. When she saw the princess, she smiled and laughed in a strange and horrible way.

    horror story;

    science fiction;

    detective story;

    fairy tale.

VIII. Работа в парах

T: Now, imagine, please, that you are reporters, who have been asked to do research about the books people prefer to read. Ask each other questions.


Способ работы: пары сменного состава.

Описание материала: вопросы записываются на доске. По мере смены партнеров (лучше после второй пары) вопросы по одному стираются с доски. Ученикам заранее дать установку на запоминание вопросов, чтобы они могли сами без опоры их задавать.

Порядок работы: дети сидят парами на двух рядах, внешние ряды остаются на местах,

а внутренние меняют партнеров по часовой стрелке на одну парту вперед или назад.

Учитель сидит у первой парты и слушает рассказы.)

    What types of books are you fond of reading?

    How many books do you read a month?

    Have your read any books in English?

    What was the last book you read?

В конце работы один учащийся может подвести итоги опроса.

IX . Устные высказывания учащихся. Согласие/несогласие.

1. Reading makes a full man. (Francis Bacon).

2. All books are divisible into two classes: the book of hour, and the book of all time. (John Ruskin).

3. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. (Richard Steele).

X . Домашнее задание.

Учить новые слова

Найти цитаты о книгах, чтении (сайты Интернет: , )

XI .Самооценка учащихся

Description of achievement

Level reached





I can read and understand

quotations of famous people.

I can understand what people say about books.

I can express my opinion on books I read

I can answer the interviewer"s ques­tions and be an interviewer myself.

I know genres of books

XII. Подведениеитоговурока.

T: I’d like to know your opinions about our lesson. Try and express your ideas.

Give a noun as the name of our lesson’s theme

Name two adjectives about …

Name three verbs

Give four adverbs or a sentence about your attitude to the theme

Give a synonym to the first word

Урок английского языка, 8 кл. УМК: Биболетова М.З.

Тема урока : Famous and Successful People. The key of success . (Знаменитые и успешные люди. Ключ к успеху.))

Задачи урока:

1.Познакомить учащихся с активной лексикой по теме.

2. Практиковать учащихся в умении:

Делать краткие сообщения о людях, достигших много путем собственных усилий (У. Дисней, Мать Тереза)

Выражать свое отношение к прочитанному.

Использовать изученные грамматические структуры для построения микровысказываний.

Работать в группах

Формировать представления о культурных особенностях страны, своего края, познакомить с известными людьми нашего края.

Ход урока:

I. Начало:

Morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? I hope everybody is all right. You are in a good mood. We have a lot of guests today. Say “Hello” to them. Nice to meet you! Let’s start our lesson. (Everything will be all right, wont it?)

Look at the pictures! Do you know what these people are? Well, this is G. Clooney, Mother Teresa, S. Mikhalkov , E. Plyuschenko.

What is the theme (topic) of our lesson? Right! “ Famous and Successful People. The key of success.”

What is the aim? This is the key. What is this key of? (Объявить цели после того как учащиеся выразили предположения)

Do you know that «Success is a vehicle which moves on a wheel called “Hard work” but the journey is impossible without fuel called “Self-confidence”». What do you think of it? Share your opinions.

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

Pay attention to the active vocabulary:

to set goals/ aims - ставить цели

to achieve the goal/aim - добиваться цели

to succeed in - преуспеть в чем-либо

ambitious - целеустремленный

own efforts - собственные (свои) усилия

shares something - делиться чем-либо

a famous compatriot - знаменитый земляк

III .Основной этап:

1.We have been discussing this topic for three lessons and I suppose that you have some conclusions (thoughts) about a person who is successful. Read the statements “A successful person is a person..” and say: Agree (+) or disagree (-)? Prove your opinion.

1.There are a lot of famous and successful people in the world. We have mentioned some of them: О . London, I.Rodnina, Walt Disney, Mother Teresa. Could you tell us about some of them? (Монологические высказывания ) . Thank you. Don’t worry! All the others will have an opportunity to tell us about them next lesson.

Ex. 11 p.97 Answer the questions!

Match the parts of the sentences.

4.Watch a video “Some steps to become successful”.

The task:

Try to understand the main idea of the film.

Be able to name the steps to success. (Discussing)

5. Work in small groups. “The key of success.” (True and wrong statements. Chose only those statements that are steps to success.

Be creative and inventive!

Do what you love and do it with love.

Believe in yourself!

Believe that things you do are good.

Work hard!

Never give up! Try, try and try!

Set the goals and achieve them!

Believe somebody is going to hand you success on a plate.

Education isn’t important.

It is unimportant to do your best every day.

(Защита мини проекта)

5. Look! Do you know these people? Who are they? What are they?

Home task: Write 5-7 sentences about a successful person of our town/region/.

Ex 2 ,p.110 Translate from Russia into English.

Рефлексия ! What is your mood? Show it using magnets and these smiles.

Открытый урок по английскому языку "Up to the top!"

Хрусталева Ольга Владимировна, преподаватель

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Развитие навыков устной и письменной речи в процессе творческого общения студентов друг с другом.

повторить пройденный грамматический материал за 1 семестр;

закрепить использование лексического материала по теме «Семья»;

мотивировать студентов к изучению английского языка;

создать творческую атмосферу на уроке;

воспитывать способность к самооценке и к самоконтролю.

Тип урока: проверки и оценки знаний.

Оборудование: магнитофон, ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал, карточки для поощрений, таблица оценки знаний.

Опережающее задание: приготовить рассказ о семье своего друга или знакомого.

Структура урока:

Организационный момент;

Фонетическая зарядка;

Повторение пройденного материала;

Проверка домашнего задания;

Работа с лексикой по теме «Семья»;


Проверка грамматических знаний;

Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

преподаватель: Good morning, dear guests!

Today we have the final lesson this year, that’s why we must show, what we can do. We’ll show all our knowledge and our skill. I wish you good luck!

(На экране появляется тема занятия “ Up to the top! “)

преподаватель: Tell me, please, what date is it today?

студент: Today is the 27th of December.

преподаватель: What is the topic of our lesson?

студент: The topic of our lesson is «Up to the top».

преподаватель: Thanks. Now let’s start. From the very beginning of the lesson, I want to ask you, why do we study English? Tell me please.

студент 1: It is not difficult for me.

студент 2: It is an international and popular language.

студент 3: I live in the 21st century.

студент 4: It is necessary for modern people.

студент 5: I want to know English very well.

(Преподаватель вывешивает карточки с данными ответами на доску)

преподаватель: I think we must repeat your answers. I’ll read and you’ll read after me.

(Преподаватель еще раз зачитывает все ответы, студенты повторяют)

преподаватель: Now, Sveta, read these answers.

(Читает только один студент)

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

преподаватель: Now, it’s time to do our phonetics exercise.

(Преподаватель включает аудиозапись, а студенты повторяют за диктором.) См. приложение 1.

преподаватель: In my opinion each language starts from the alphabet. Do you know the English alphabet?

студент 1: Yes, I know the English alphabet.

студент 2: Yes, I know the English alphabet.

преподаватель: Let’s sing our alphabetical song.

См. приложение 2.

III. Повторение пройденного материала.

преподаватель: Thanks girls. It’s fine. But now you must divide into two groups. Take these cards with different sounds and find your group. The first is vowel, the second is consonant.

(Преподаватель раздает студентам карточки с гласными согласными звуками, студенты, получая свою карточку, произносят звуки, затем создают 2 команды, первая – гласные звуки, вторая – согласные.) См. приложение 3.

преподаватель: Now we have the game”Alphabet”. I give you Russian words you must translate them into English in the alphabetical order.

(Кто первый отвечает, получает карточку, когда задание заканчивается, итог подводится по наибольшему количеству карточек. Результаты заносятся в таблицу оценки знаний. Стоит отметить, что преподаватель выставляет только положительные оценки.) См. приложение 4.

Во время игры «Алфавит» преподаватель работает с мультимедийным проектором, т.е. каждая буква алфавита выводится на экран, затем произносится русский вариант слова по теме «Family» и после того, как студенты называют его по-английски, на экране появляется его английский эквивалент. На сложные буквы, такие как X, Z и подобные, предлагаются уже не слова, а целые фразы.

преподаватель: You know the English alphabet very well.

См. приложение 5.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

I’d like to say that you had to prepare your home task. You had to compose your presentation of your friend’s family. You were divided into some pairs, now it’s time for your presentations.

(Студенты дома должны были приготовить опережающее домашнее задание - это рассказ о семье своего друга или приятеля. Заранее они были разделены на пары и поэтому они представляют свой рассказ совместно, а за хорошую презентацию ставятся положительные оценки в «таблицу оценки знаний»).

V. Работа с лексикой по теме «Семья».

преподаватель: You were divided into 2 groups. That’s why we have 2 families the first is the Lamberts, the second is the Blacks. You must present your families:Who are you? How old are you? What is your name? Where are you from?

(студентам раздаются карточки, на которых указано, кого из членов семьи они должны представить, например: Mr. Lamberts, 57)

преподаватель: I give you some minutes.

(Студенты представляют свои семьи, их рассказы должны быть примерно следующего содержания:

студент 1:

I’m Mr. Lambert.

I’m an artist.

I live in London.

студент 2:

I’m Mr. Lambert.

I’m Ms. Lambert.

I’m a housewife.

I have 2 children.

студент 3:

I’m Peter Lambert.

I’m an older son.

I work at the plant.

студент 4:

I’m Ann Lambert.

I’m a student.

I want to be a teacher.

студент 5:

I’m a grandfather.

(результаты ответов заносятся в «таблицу оценки знаний»)

преподаватель: Thank you! But can you ask the questions each other? Mr. Black must ask the questions to the Lamberts and Mr. Lambert must ask the questions to the Blacks.

(Студенты, играющие роли мистера Блека и мистера Ламберта, задают вопросы семьям.)

Примерные вопросы, которые студенты должны уметь задавать:

What is your name?

Where and when were you born?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

Have you got a family?

Do you have brothers, sisters, etc?

What is your father and your mother?

Результаты ответов, а также качество заданных вопросов оценивается преподавателем и заносится в «таблицу оценки знаний»

преподаватель: Look at the blackboard, please. There is a crossword. Now, you must complete it. Whose group will be the first?

(студенты выполняют работу в группах, на доске также имеется большой кроссворд. Группа, которая будет первой, вписывает ответы на доске.) См. приложение 6.

VI. Аудирование.

преподаватель: Now! I want to invite one boy and he’ll read us something interesting. David, go to the blackboard, please.

(к доске выходит студент, который будет проводить аудирование)

студент: Good morning. I have one letter and I want to read it. Pay attention, please.

преподаватель: You must listen to David and then answer the questions.

студент: My name is Alexander. I live in Moscow with my family. I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother is an engineer. He is 25. My sister is an accountant. She is 28. I love my family. We are all friends.

преподаватель: David, I think you have to read this letter once again.

(Студент читает письмо еще раз, а все его внимательно слушают)

преподаватель: (вызывает одного студента к доске) Irina, go to the blackboard, please. You write your answers at the blackboard and all students work yourselves.

What’s my name?

How old is my sister?

What is my brother?

Where do I live?

How many sisters have I got?

(ответы проверяются самими детьми, за каждый правильный ответ - один балл; студенты зачитывают правильные ответы по очереди)

студент 1: Your name is Alexander.

студент 2: Your sister is 28.

студент 3: Your brother is an engineer.

студент 4: You live in Moscow.

студент 5: You have got one sister.

преподаватель: Fine! Give your marks.

(студенты сами выставляют себе оценки, за каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл, а преподаватель затем выставляет их в таблицу)

VII. Проверка грамматических знаний.

преподаватель: Now, look at your tables. You have an envelope there. Open it. There are some grammar exercises. The first, each family must complete a table. Who will be the first now?

См.приложение 7. (Студенты работают, заполняя таблицу, затем проверяют с помощью мультимедиа. Семье, которая была первой, выставляются оценки в таблицу)

преподаватель: Now, each of you will receive the grammar test and you must control yourselves. I give you 3 minutes.

(Студенты работают) См. приложение 8.

преподаватель: It’s time to finish your works. Now let’s read these sentences and correct your mistakes yourselves.

(При помощи мультимедиа студенты проверяют свои тестовые задания, читая по очереди варианты, сравнивая их с верными. Эту работу студенты оценивают сами, а преподаватель выставляет результаты в таблицу)

преподаватель: There is a lot of grammar rules in English, for example: the plurals and the singular. Take new tests, please. You must use the plurals of these words. Start your work.

(Студенты работают) См. приложение 9.

преподаватель: Stop, it’s time to check your mistakes. Look at the blackboard!

(По аналогии с предыдущим заданием студенты проверяют свои работы)

преподаватель: Who has 5? Who has 4?

(результаты выставляются в таблицу)

преподаватель: Dear guests our girls prepared a little gift. They are going to tell you their favorite poems. Let’s listen to them!

(Студенты читают заранее самостоятельно подготовленные дома стихи на тему «Семья»)

VIII. Подведение итогов.

преподаватель: Our lesson is over. I want to tell that we had good job. Look at our results. Let’s analyze them.

(Преподаватель вместе со студентами анализирует работу на уроке, выявляя самых успешных студентов)

преподаватель: Tell me please. Why do we learn English?

(студенты снова отвечают на вопрос «Для чего мы учим английский язык?»)

преподаватель: Thank you for the lesson. I wish you happiness and to be well in your study. Happy New Year, dear students!

Разделы: Иностранные языки

  1. Развитие предметной, коммуникативной, кросскультурной компетентностей,
  2. Развитие умений и навыков устной и письменной речи,
  3. Развитие умений и навыков аудирования,
  4. Развитие умений и навыков чтения.
  • Активизация лексики по теме: телевидение,
  • Введение новой лексики по теме: пресса (газеты и журналы).

Используемые методы:

  • коммуникативный;
  • интерактивный;
  • использования средств компьютера.

Образовательные технологии:

  • технология мультимедиа презентаций;
  • технология диалогового общения;
  • информационно-коммуникационная технология.


  • компьютер;
  • мультимедиа проектор;
  • интерактивная доска;
  • раздаточный материал; (Приложение 1 , Приложение 2 , Приложение 3)
  • Учебник по английскому языку для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др., изд. М.: Просвещение, 2006г;
  • Аутентичное электронное учебное пособие Oxford Word Skills: Learn and practice English vocabulary. Basic: for elementary and pre-intermediate learners/ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2008 с CD-ROM;
  • словарь Longman Essential Activator / LONGMAN, 1997
  • "New Timesavers for English Teachers" и "Timesaver For Real! English in Everyday Situations" / MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, 2004;
  • "Developing Communication Skills In English", О.Г. Беспалова, Санкт-Петербург, СМИО Пресс, 2008г.
  • английские газеты и журналы
  • таблички с новой лексикой и иллюстрации по теме на магнитной школьной доске.

Ход урока

  • Организационный момент

Hello, everybody! Glad to see you all here. I"m Tatiana Mikhailovna. I"m going to teach you English today. We are going to speak about the MEDIA, to train the material you have already learnt and to learn some new material on this topic. By the way, can you explain the meaning of the words MASS MEDIA?

  • Let us consult the English Dictionary: Longman Essential Activator . I have prepared some copies for you. Try to find the word "the media", (p. 518) (учащиеся зачитывают определение в словаре). Учитель добавляет: We can now add the INTERNET here. Well, Mass media, that is press, radio, television and the Internet , have become an inseparable part of our everyday life. Of course, they have changed greatly during the recent years. TV has become the most efficient means of forming public opinion and source of information . As far as I know, you have learnt a lot about television. So, let us review the vocabulary.
  • Look at the pictures and match them to the words (New Timesavers for English Teachers / MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, 2004/ p. 56). После того, как учащиеся ответят, на экране в презентации появляются правильные Ответы.
  • And now we"ll take another copy - p. 47. Here are the names of some different kinds of TV programmes. Read each definition and put the letters in the correct order to make the names of the programme. Number 1 is done for you. Вновь на экране появляются Ответы.
  • What words and expressions can we use to speak about our favourite programs? (Учебник по английскому языку для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова и др., изд. М.: Просвещение, 2006г./p. 76

Let" review some of them: from your textbook:названия телепередач

(documentaries, feature films discussions, interviews plays, serials, operas pop/rock music concerts comedies, police series sports, news, cartoons game/quiz/talk shows:), слова и выражения, для рассказа о них (creative, entertainment, informative, specialized, clever, children"s, funny, live, serious, educational, lovely, political;

It is the story of/about/on .... The story centres on ..., It is set in ..., The main characters of ... ,

The story line is ..., The acting is (pretty) good ..., It"s good in the way it shows:;

  • it deals with the lives of ... people.
  • it gives you an opportunity to phone in.
  • it offers dancing and singing competitions and quizzes.
  • it is with fun and game we can take part in.
  • it combines live music and interviews with famous people.
  • it is hosted by well-known TV presenters.
  • it features all kinds of music.
  • it keeps you informed about the rest of the world.
  • it helps to escape from boring school life/stress/problems.
  • on "..." people talk about, play, sing live, win prizes, ...
  • it is a mixture of ...)
  • To review the active vocabulary, let"s read a short text about TV programmes. Pay attention to the way people speak about their favourite programmes. Then try to speak yourselves.(Текст читают учащиеся по-очереди вслух).


Many people watch TV at leisure. One can choose the programme one likes best. Those who like music can listen to various concerts. Sport fans can watch football or hockey matches. Television extends our knowledge about the world in which we live. Millions of people can see different lands, new plants, unusual animals and birds, mountains and valleys.

My favourite TV programme is one made by Dmitriy Krylov. It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sunday . This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous people. I like this programme and try not to miss it.

I prefer to watch youth programmes such as "While Everybody"s at Home" on Sunday and "The Morning Star". In addition I like to see interesting films. They might be feature, adventure, scientific, horror, cartoon and other films. I enjoy seeing Walt Disney"s cartoons.
Now and then I like to see cognitive programmes". "What? Where? When? ", "Brain-ring". They are enjoyable and entertaining programmes.

  • And now I"d like to find out what TV programs you prefer. Please, stand up! Imagine you are journalists. Come up to your classmates and ask them some questions, for example

What TV programs do you like? Why?

Then you will come back to your seats. Some of you will report about the preferences of your classmates.

Lena says she likes news programs, because they keep you informed about the rest of the world.

Or: Dima says he likes (prefers) game shows, because "..." people talk, play, sing live, win prizes in them: (На экране появляется образец выполнения задания)

Now, you are welcome!

1-2 минуты учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу. Затем возвращаются на места. Спрашиваю 3-4 человек.

  • Now, have a look at the interactive board. We are going to train some more useful words (учебное пособие Oxford Word Skills: Learn and practice English vocabulary. Basic: for elementary and pre-intermediate learners/ OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2008 с CD-ROM / p. 53 I can talk about the media)
    1. listen and say:
    2. listen and click
    3. choose the correct answer
    4. listen and read
    5. listen and drag the words to the correct spaces
    6. complete the text

(к доске вызываю учащихся, они сами выполняют упражнения на интерактивной доске)

  • We have trained a lot. And now let us try to speak about press. What do we usually call by the word PRESS?

Yes, of cause, we mean newspapers and magazines. Sometimes we misuse the word "magazine". We should know that there are "magazines" and there are also "journals".

  • Look up the definition of the word "journal" in the Longman Essential Activator
  • , p. 518

A "journal" is a serious magazine on a particular subject, containing articles by university teachers, scientists, doctors etc.

"The British Medical Journal" :

A magazine is a large, thin book with a paper cover, often printed on shiny paper, which contains stories, articles, photographs, and some times also news.

(См. кадры презентации и иллюстрации, таблички со словами на школьной доске)

(Демонстрирую образцы английских журналов и газет, привезенных из Англии)

  • Here is a text about the PRESS. Read it and answer the questions, given after it.

To learn more about the British PRESS, read the next text. (информативное чтение )

Mass media, that is press, radio and television, have become an inseparable part of our everyday life. Of course, they have changed greatly during the recent years. TV has become the most efficient means of forming public opinion and source of information. Radio broadcasts a lot of entertaining programmes for all tastes and ages. But the greatest variety of everything we still find in newspapers and magazines.

When we speak about press in Great Britain, we must say that practically every Englishman begins his day with reading a newspaper. There are two types of newspapers in Great Britain. The Qualities are aimed at educated middle-class and professional people. They are large in size and they lay emphasis on detailed coverage of national and international news, political comment, cultural events and the world of finance. The major Qualities are The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Independent and The Guardian. The Daily Telegraph has a circulation of one million copies. They are not owned by political parties. However, they are usually politically biased. The Guardian is fairly left wing, while The Times and The Daily Telegraph are right wing.

The popular papers or Tabloids are aimed at non-intellectual mass readership. They are smaller in size, but their circulation is much greater. News stories and articles are short, the coverage of serious news is limited. The emphasis is on pictures, entertainment, personalities and crime stories. The language is very colloquial and sensational. The photographers of these newspapers are usually called paparazzi, for they are unscrupulous in their obsession to get a sensational picture. The major Tabloids are The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and some others. The largest of them all, The Sun, has a circulation of more than 4 million.

Those papers mentioned above are daily newspapers. But there are also Sunday newspapers. They are larger than dailies because people have more time to read and they cost more. Many have colour supplements. Naturally, there are both tabloids and qualities.

  1. What are the main types of the British newspapers?
  2. What are The Qualities like?
  3. What are the popular papers or Tabloids like?

So, try to remember the new words: PRESS, The Qualities or broadsheets, The popular papers or Tabloids

  • In your textbooks you have ex.3 on page 80. READ, please, will you? (учащиеся знакомятся с содержанием упражнения, которое им предстоит выполнить дома - см. приложение "К домашнему заданию")
  • At HOME make up a table of two columns. And write what is typical of each of the newspapers given in the exercise. (Образец выполнения задания появляется на экране)

The Popular Papers Or Tabloids

contain political, industrial and cultural news

contain sensational stories

Thank you for the lesson. And now I"d like to know your opinion concerning the lesson.

Here are some cards. Please, write plusses where choose (+) (Учащимся предлагается выразить свое отношение к уроку и самим оценить свою работу на уроке)

I like the lesson I don"t like the lesson The lesson was interesting I have learnt something new The lesson was boring

My mark for the lesson

Thank you! My best regards to you. Bye!